It was 45 years today that my parents picked me up from the nuns at a Catholic charities adoption center. I was the new cat in town! Back then the adoption process was not a simple one and it was very hard for anyone to adopt a child. Unlike today if you are a celebrity or if you have a lot of money you can just go out and get one, the process then was long and arduous. At times I was told that they had almost given up hope for getting a child but on this Memorial day, 45 years ago a call was made and received. My parents dropped everything and made the long trek to get me. For years they would tell me that the reason that the flags were flying on May 30th was that it was my special day, the day they got me, and that everyone was celebrating. I didn't know, I was just too young to know, that it was Memorial and that we were celebrating and remembering all the things that the veterans of our great county had done for our freedoms. But what I didn't realize for years was that they were celebrating the privilege that had been bestowed upon them of raising and loving a child. Me of all people! Not only was I the new cat on the block but I was the Special cat.
Hey, I thought you were the "old salty dog learning new tricks, daily" and not a cat!
Love ya! And congratulations or happy birthday or something!
I missed this post somehow, so it's a little late but happy day!
(I have a dear friend who was adopted and she celebrates the day of her adoption as her "Happy Day".)
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