Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I Have Been Tagged?!?!?!

It seems that I have been tagged by my honey and now have to enter some facts about myself to all of you, my loyal readers. Here is the problem, I have to tag some others and continue this on. Hmmmm..sounds like a chain letter to me! I will probably get 7 yrs of bad luck if I don't pass it on. But wait, if I don't know how to pass it on, will the blog Gods still bestow this punishment upon me? I don't think so.
I do have an idea though. Todays blog in supposed to be about entertainment right!
So what could be more entertaining than you guys learning about mememe!

So here goes:

1. I don't know squat about blogging! I know this is a big surprise to most of you because of the professionalism demonstrated by my entries and my blog itself.

2. I know I am going to hit the lottery one day. I haven't yet but I am sure if I ever buy a ticket that my odds will improve.

3. I love to gamble and I am good at it. Yea I know that sounds pretty arrogant, and it is. But the results are there. If anyone tells you that its all luck, send em my way I've got a bet to make with them.

4. I went to Disney World 33 times before I was 15yrs. old. Thats right, 33 times.
Now I do have some splaining to do. My father developed some land in central Florida way before the really big Orlando bloom(hahaha). I know it should be boom but this is entertainment!!!!! He used to take me with him on business. He would drop me off at the Comtempory Hotel in the morning, go do business, at pick me up later that night. It was a blast. I new all of the best times to go to the popular rides, where to eat cheap, when free stuff was being given away.....a kids paradise I tell you.

5. I have seen the chicken pox scare on my girlfriends butt, and mind you it is SEXY!!!!!!

6. When(if) I grow up I have no idea what I want to do for a living.

7. I have been in two major auto wrecks and been told by Drs. that I should be dead on at least 3 other occasions. On top of that I have no serious health problems to show from it. I say WOW to that.

8. Went to a bar the other night and had the best white iced mocca coffee ever.

Now how the hell do I tag someone else? Doesn't matter, I wouldn't know who to tag if I could!

If I say so myself, and I will probably be the only one who reads this, "Thats some damn fine entertainment there."


Anonymous said...

Glad I could be of help in the entertainment category!

mad_cow said...

Very entertaining. When (if) you grow up you should start a "humor" blog.

I've added this blog to my new Google Reader your honey told me about tonight in Cullman. So please start practicing for your future career as a humor blog person :)


Anonymous said...

LOL Hi Julie!